
Tips for the Garden - December 2020


Tips for the Garden - December 2020


The month of December brings the holiday season and warm thoughts of family, friends and community. I would like to say, “Thank You” and wish you and yours a “Blessed Holiday Season” with all the best in the New Year!


Fall will turn into winter this month. It may not always be the most comfortable time to be planting anything in your landscape, but it is a great time for the plants. Trees and shrubs are completely dormant now, so the concept of transplant shock does not apply. 


If you want to think of warmer days of spring, garden seeds for 2021 are available for purchase in the store. Our selection of Botanical Interests seeds is a large diverse selection. Start gardening in your mind to make you feel better when it snows.


Houseplants are another way to keep the warmer thoughts of spring and summer around! And they are fantastic for keeping your home fresh and cleaning the air! Here are a few tips on winter houseplant care. Flowering plants need at least half a day of direct sunlight. Cacti and many succulents require a sunny location, and croton plants need direct sun to maintain the decorative color. The ideal temperatures for foliage plants are 68-70 degrees during the day and slightly lower at night. The amount of water the houseplants need declines during winter, so increase the amount of time between watering.


Some of the plants in your landscape can help you decorate for the Christmas season as you prune them for next year. Holly and Boxwood can be trimmed now with some of the cuttings used to accent wreaths or live indoor plants. Some of the growth of evergreens such as White Pine, Norway Spruce, and even some of the seed heads of ornamental grasses can be used to make a harvest wreath or basket for your front door or porch. Talk about recycling! After Christmas, you can take them to your compost bin for future fertilizer!


Continue to feed our fine feathered friends and place heated birdbaths with fresh water out for them. Our wildlife needs care and attention as numbers have been dwindling and they are needed for pollination and health of our planet, join in the fun, or ask us how you can. We will show you the way.


Again, I wish you and your family a very Blessed Christmas season. Let’s get to work on planning that beautiful garden scene for next year!


See you in the Garden……

Sandi Hillermann McDonald



Tips for the Garden - November 2020

Our fall season has been very dry. Even though the foliage on trees and shrubs is gone, the roots need moisture to build up spring buds and increase root growth. The amount of water needed may be less than when the foliage was on the plants, but water is still very important. 

It is sad to watch the garden fading into winter, but at least we don’t have to say goodbye. Spring will return, as naturally as the sun will rise tomorrow morning. All we have to do is get the garden prepped so that it can rest until its renewal a few months from now. Here is a to-do list that will help you prepare your garden for its winter’s nap.

Clean out and cut back. But, don’t cut all your plants back to the ground, and don’t pick up every leaf. It is a great treat to leave some seed heads on plants for the winter birds and ornamental grasses for their winter art in the garden.  Leaving some plant stalks to protect the crowns of tender perennials is also beneficial.

Cover up. Mulch is the best winter protection for your plants. Wait until the ground has frozen slightly, usually around Thanksgiving for us, to ensure the plants are in their dormancy state. If the snow falls before you get the opportunity to get the job done, mulch over the snow. 

Dig in. Trees, shrubs and plants that have a root ball larger than a gallon can be put into the ground. In addition, now is the time to plant those spring beauties we call bulbs. To enjoy the beauty and bright colors of tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils as well as crocus and alliums, plant them NOW. 

Here are a few other duties to think about this month of November. Continue mowing lawn grasses as long as they keep growing, 3” is a good height. Apply Winterizer fertilizer to lawns to strengthen plant stems and roots for winter growth and early spring green up. 

Set up bird feeders. Birds also appreciate a source of unfrozen drinking water during the winter. Use one of the many styles of birdbath heaters or heated birdbaths available at garden centers. When feeding the birds, set up a variety of feeder types to get the best assortment of birds to come to your yard. Tube feeders are good for songbirds, platform feeders are good for cardinals and larger birds, and suet is a great source of fat and energy for woodpeckers and all bird types.

Enjoy the antics of wildlife and the beauty of plant art in the garden during this upcoming winter season. I will give you more to look forward to in the winter garden in December. Until then, Happy Thanksgiving to all and enjoy the outdoors as much as possible.

See you in the garden,
Sandi Hillermann McDonald


Tips for the Garden - October 2020

          Fall is the perfect time to evaluate the garden for improvement to your home’s curb appeal, and it is also the perfect time for planting. The cooler crisp days of October make it a great time to care for your yard and garden with the following tips:


·         YOUR CURB APPEAL can be enhanced by decorating with pumpkins, gourds, corn stalks, mums, pansies, kale, and the great selection of Fall plants that are available.

·         Lawn seeding should be finished by October 15th this month to insure growth yet this fall. Choose a seed mix for your specific lawn area; sun, shade, sun/shade, play, drought, etc.

·         Winterize lawn mowers before storage, by draining gasoline from the tank and the gas line.

·         Apply a Winterizer fertilizer on lawns anytime from mid October through November to promote green growth in early spring, the BEST of the neighborhood.

·         The average first frost usually arrives sometime between October 15th and October 20th.

·         You can gain a few degrees of frost protection by covering tender plants with sheets or lightweight fabric row covers. DO NOT USE PLASTIC; this tends to “draw in” the cold temperatures.

·         Dig up Cannas, Dahlias, and Elephant Ears after frost nips their foliage. Before storing them, allow the plants to dry under cover in an airy frost-free place. Store in a cool, dry area, such as a basement, in paper sacks with peat moss.

  •  Plant flower bulbs (Tulips, Daffodils, Crocus, etc.) for spring bloom. Plant them into groupings for a massed effect of spring color. To fertilize them, use bone meal or a complete bulb fertilizer at planting time.

·         October is an excellent month to plant trees, shrubs and perennials. This gives the plants a great start in the warm soil and cool weather of fall, with plenty of moisture in the spring to become established before the harsh summer heat and drought arrives.

·         Continue to water all your plants, especially evergreens, when soils are dry. Until the ground freezes, the plants need moisture for root growth even if they are going dormant.

·         After beds have been cleaned and raked, refresh them with bark mulch for the winter months.

·         Towards the end of October, trees should be fertilized with tree spikes at their drip line. Use one tree spike per one inch of tree trunk diameter. This will make for beautiful foliage next spring!

·         Harvest gourds when their shells become hard or when their color changes from green to brown.

·         DO NOT take hummingbird feeders down before mid October. The bird’s biological clock tells them when to migrate south. IT IS NOT dependent on how long we leave our feeders up. Stragglers migrating from areas that are more northern may also find your feeders for some needed nourishment.

            Enjoy your yard and garden in every season!


Time to go… See you in the Garden…
Sandi Hillermann McDonald


Tips for the Garden - September 2020

The weather has been quite different this year compared to last year’s drought, heat, etc. It was a nice change considering normal summer weather for our area. If you like to garden, now is the time for Fall gardening. Now is also the time to add color into the fall landscape with the cheerful faces of winter hardy pansies and violas, gorgeous garden mums, and unique varieties of ornamental cabbage and kale. Transform the entrance to your home into a welcoming, colorful fall display with plants, cornstalks, ornamental grasses, an assortment of pumpkins and squash, and maybe a scarecrow set on a hay bale.

Don’t forget spring flowering bulbs. Now is the time to get the best selection of varieties and colors. Fall bulb planting varieties include Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils and Crocus.  

September is perfect lawn renovation month. Aeration helps control thatch, improves the soil structure, helps create growth pockets for new roots, and opens the way for water and fertilizer to get to the roots of your lawn. Aeration is the process of removing thousands of small cores of soil 1” to 3” in length from your lawn. The holes in the soil created by aeration make perfect pockets for catching fertilizer and water. 

Once aeration is accomplished, it is a perfect time to over seed your lawn. Fescue grass seed blends are most common here in the Mid-Missouri area. Fescue blends take our summer heat and drought conditions better than Bluegrass seed mixes. Fescue lawn mixes tolerate heat, drought and traffic from kids and pets better. Over seed Fescue lawns at a rate of 2-3 lbs per 1,000 sq ft if you have a 50% stand of grass. After seeding, top dress with a starter type fertilizer, and you are ready to enjoy a beautiful green lawn for fall and spring!

The Fall of the year is perfect timing for tree planting. Proper sun exposure, soil moisture, and the available growth space needs to be assessed to help with tree selection. So, plant a tree this fall. You will help the environment, lower your electric bills, and enhance your property value.

Here are a few other quick tips for this month. Begin to adapt your houseplants for winter indoors. Check for pests and treat if necessary. Houseplants should be brought indoors at least one month before the heat is normally turned on. Sow fall vegetable crops through mid September. Harvest herbs now to freeze or dry for winter.  

Stay engaged with nature…
Sandi Hillermann McDonald


Tips for the Garden - August 2020

  Our summer continues with a lot of unknowns and questions still left unanswered. But the garden will welcome your every visit. Enjoy the opening of every new flower and every new bird or butterfly to visit.

Your main tasks for this month begin with the letter W. Weeding and watering. Both tasks are pretty self-explanatory. If you let weeds get ahead of you and they go to seed, you are going to have hundreds more to deal with this fall and next spring. When using herbicides be sure to read and follow all label directions thoroughly. They are written for your protection. Generally, it is best to pull weeds that are growing in and immediately around your desirable plants, and spray those that are “in the open.”

As far as watering goes, August is usually an extremely low moisture month, so slow deep watering at the base of desirable trees and shrubs on a weekly basis is very important. Try to eliminate drought stress on your plants. When the weather is dry, please take care of your desirable plants with slow soaking waterings. If you have questions, do not hesitate to give us a call.

Mowing the lawn is another task that continues in August. Due to the usually hot and dry conditions that are the norm in August, you may be able to space your mowings further apart. It is also beneficial to let the grass grow longer to help shade the roots.

If you are thinking about a new addition to your landscape this fall, now is the time to talk to your favorite landscape designer. Your designer can discuss your needs with you, design the changes or new additions, and get you on the schedule for a fall installation.

If you tried your hand at seasonal vegetable gardening this spring, here are a few ways you can enjoy a fall garden. Carry Tomatoes, Peppers and Basil over in your fall garden. Direct sow Beets, Radishes, Peas, and Spinach now where other spring crops such as Broccoli and Cauliflower have come and gone for this year. It is best to replant nursery starts of Broccoli and Cauliflower, and not sow them from seed this time of year. The possibilities are still quite many, so carry that garden adventure out a little further into the fall. You won’t be disappointed!


See you next month……….in the garden
Sandi Hillermann McDonald


Tips for the Garden - July 2020

      Well summer has come with a vengeance of heat and humidity. This IS Missouri, right? This summer is seeing the opening of outdoor playgrounds, stores, facilities and so much more. Now is the time to gather and celebrate each other and enjoy nature! But please still do it at a safe distance.

     We have all experienced a NEW spring never seen before with this COVID virus. We have learned from it, became more appreciative of our surroundings, and of family and friends. Now let us get back to keeping our little pieces of sanctuary (and sanity) in tack and enjoyable.

      It’s not too late to plant shrubs, perennials and annual flowers, but you will need to give them a little TLC for the summer.Japanese_Beetles (1)

      If Japanese beetles are attacking your plants, you have several options; from trapping (the safest) to spraying them. Japanese beetle traps are readily available and do a fantastic job of eradicating the problem naturally.

      Hot, dry weather is ideal for spider mite development. Damage may be present even before the webs are noticed. With spider mite damage, leaves may be speckled above and yellowed below. Evergreen needles appear dull gray-green to yellow to brown. Spray with permethrin to control this critter.
IrrigationDrip-Sprinkle-W       Water conservation is of the utmost importance during our dry summer months. Water where it counts, at the roots, not the leaves. Drip irrigation systems in landscape beds do wonders for water conservation and are easy for the homeowner to install. Trees and shrubs would also benefit from a deep root watering this time of year. You can use a deep root feeder (without the fertilizer) for this purpose. Water plants around the drip line for best success. Doing this every 2-3 weeks is beneficial. When you mow your grass, cut it less frequently and at a higher level. Longer grass blades shade the soil and conserve moisture. Plant drought tolerant, native plants where possible.
Native plants are becoming a true staple in the landscape.Garden_Porch_Hanging_Baskets_PW

      Check your plant containers daily for water. Hanging baskets will need a drink at least once a day, sometimes even twice a day, depending on the weather. Provide water in the garden for birds during dry weather and they will repay you with wonderful antics and bird song. Enjoy nature and your gardens this summer. You will not regret it.

See you in the Garden,
Sandi Hillermann McDonald


Tips for the Garden - June 2020

By Sandi Hillermann McDonald

     I, for one, cannot believe it is the first of June already. This year is really flying by. This is the month for picnics, vacations, family reunions, and for just enjoying the outdoors in general. I truly hope we can get back to these ‘old’ traditions as our new norm.

     If you are new to planting or gardening this year, please stay in touch when you have questions so we can help you through your new experiences.

     The hot days of summer are stressful to every living creature, including your plants. Not only does mulch hold in moisture, it also keeps the soil cooler, so your plants will be less heat-stressed.

     One of the most common questions that we receive at this time of year is, “How much do I water my ______?” I will explain some basic guidelines here:WateringNewEvergreen.jpg

     Vegetables and Bedding Plants planted in the ground: established plants need at least one inch of water per week. Check the soil around the plants, when it is dry one inch down, it’s time to water.

     Container Gardens and Hanging Baskets: check your containers every day for water. Either test the soil by touch or lift the pot to check its weight. Most baskets and many containers will need to be watered once a day, depending on the weather. I suggest you fertilize once a week.

     Perennials: newly planted perennials need daily watering until established, at least two weeks, depending on weather. After they show signs of new growth, apply a one inch per week rule.

     Trees and Shrubs should be watered every 4-5 days for the entire first year after planting unless rainfall is abundant. Place the end of your hose next to the base of the plant and let the water trickle very slowly for about two hours. This will allow the root zone to become thoroughly saturated.

     Established Lawns: your lawn should be watered when the grass blades don’t bounce back after being walked on. One inch of water per week should keep your lawn green and healthy.
     Newly Seeded or Sodded Lawns: for better germination, I suggest you mulch grass seed with straw as soon as it is planted. Once seed has germinated or sod has been laid, they must not be allowed to dry out. Water daily with a sprinkler until there is good growth. Once established, go back to the one inch per week rule.

So, continue to enjoy your outdoor spaces and make relationships with your plants!
They can give you so much in return!

See you in the Garden,
Sandi Hillermann McDonald


Tips for the Garden - May 2020


            During this spring season it may be more important than ever to grow your own food. It can be a fun and satisfying activity that can nourish your body and your soul. Most seasoned vegetable gardeners look forward to their time spent in their garden, because the rewards are so great! And the therapy it provides is even better!!

            Most edible plants prefer 6 or more hours of sun, although leaf veggies (like lettuce) can grow with less sunlight. Consider container gardens if you have a bright deck or patio. Edibles can also be incorporated into your flowerbeds and ornamental plantings as well. Be sure the area has good circulation or airflow.

            The key ingredient to a vegetable garden is the soil foundation. Amend the topsoil with compost or well-rotted manure.

            Base your crop selection on what your family likes to eat. Plant your tall crops (like corn and climbers) on the north side of the garden to prevent them from shading the other shorter plants. Plant medium sized plants (like peppers, tomatoes….) towards the center. Short crops, like carrots, radishes, and lettuce, should be planted on the south end. Try to orient your garden from north to south for best sun coverage.

            Here is a sample plant list for a healthy family of four: 10 tomato plants, 4 cucumber plants, 12 broccoli plants, 8 cauliflower plants, 20 lettuce plants, 6 pepper plants, 10 spinach plants, 2 zucchini or squash plants, and essential herbs
Other essentials……Compost, shovel, hard rake and tiller, Fertilizer—natural/organic or commercial, Tomato cages, stakes

            I truly hope you enjoy the spring and summer season and try your hand at growing fresh produce for your family.
See you next month,
Sandi Hillermann McDonald


Tips for the Garden - April 2020

            Vegetable gardening is making a comeback, and this new fascination is like the Victory Garden rage of yesteryear. Not just because of COVID-19, another contributor to this fascination is the fact that more and more people are concerned with what they put on the family table. When you grow it yourself, you control what goes in the soil and on the plants, and you get to pick a much broader selection of vegetable varieties. They taste a whole lot better home grown.
            If you’re thinking of growing a vegetable garden this year, you are not alone. Start small and expand as your interest and time permit. No summertime garden is complete without tomatoes. Also, bush cucumbers will fit in small gardens, and so will the bush summer squash varieties. They can be planted in nontraditional garden areas like flowerbeds or as a small addition to the landscape. You can interplant lettuce plants with your impatiens and harvest them long before the impatiens covers the area. You’ll get some salad greens and kill two birds with one stone. Taking care of the impatiens ensures the lettuce is never neglected. In short, a vegetable garden can find its way into every area of your home’s landscape - whether it’s confined to its own area, combined into the annual or perennial gardens that you already have, or planted in containers on your deck or patio - it will provide the ultimate in fresh vegetable taste, and the safest vegetables you can produce for your family table.

            Hang out your hummingbird feeders the first of this month. Use a solution of 1-part sugar to 4 parts water for the nectar. Change the solution frequently to keep it from fermenting. Food coloring is NOT needed, nor is it recommended for the birds. Asparagus and rhubarb harvest can begin!! Keep your hoe sharp. Start cucumber, squash, and cantaloupe and watermelon seeds indoors this month. The last week of April is a good time to try an early sowing of warm season crops in the garden such as green beans, sweet corn, etc. You can begin to plant transplants of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and sweet potatoes outdoors now. This can continue through the month of May. This is truly the year of the garden. So, reap your own harvest and enjoy the scrumptious flavors of your own produce. Remember, that Natural Gardening will keep your family safe, so check out what organic options are available to you! There are many.

Enjoy!  See you in the garden……Sandi Hillermann McDonald


Tips for the Garden - March 2020

          Spring is almost here!!!!!!  What a wonderful feeling to be able to spend more time outside enjoying what Mother Nature is unfolding before our eyes. The lengthening of days is a welcome site and the warming sun on our faces is also a very great feeling.

Mowing time is around the corner.  Thin spots and bare patches in the lawn can be over seeded now if you don’t intend to use a crabgrass pre- venter on your lawn. Last summer’s heat and drought may make this a necessity this spring, if you missed the opportunity last fall.

          If you don’t over seed, now is the time to apply Fertilome Crabgrass + Lawn Food. We have long summer seasons here and recommend that you make two applications of this product (4-6 weeks apart) to keep your yards crabgrass free this summer. 

          Begin spring cleanup of perennial beds now. Cut perennials to 3” above the ground. Remove damaged foliage and old flower stalks. Ornamental grasses and hardy hibiscus can be pruned back to 6” above the ground as well.

          Once flower beds have been cleaned up, re-mulching can be done. Be sure not to mulch on the crowns of plants. Dry feed beds with a granular fertilizer, such as Osmocote, and apply a pre-emergent if you do not plan to plant any flower seeds. Pre-emergent products will put down a barrier over your flower beds that keep weed seeds from germinating, making weeding an easier job this summer. Divide summer and fall blooming perennials now, along with ornamental grasses if you so desire.

          Plant/sow peas, lettuce, radish, kohlrabi, collards, turnips, potatoes, spinach, onion sets, beets, carrots, and parsley outside this month. Set out broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower and pansy transplants now. This month is also great for setting out strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, grapes and fruit trees.

          Start seeds indoors this month for tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. And houseplants can still be repotted. Continue to check houseplants for over wintering insect populations.

          Nesting boxes for bluebirds can be set up as well as Purple Martin houses. Bluebird boxes are best at about 5’ off the ground on a fence post in the open with the entry hole facing away from prevailing winds. Purple Martins return to our zone 6 region between St. Patrick’s Day and the end of the month. So, now is the time to clean out those houses and be prepared.

          It is time to go, so we will “See you in the garden!!”
Sandi Hillermann McDonald


Tips for the Garden - February 2020

February is National Bird Feeding Month… this year the Audubon Society will be making national awareness of the decline of birds in North America. This awareness of loss of nature began more than several years ago with bees, then butterflies, to pollinators and this year will focus on the loss of birds and their habitat. The next will be frogs. Our world is losing nature and it’s help for human survival at an alarming rate. I truly hope by now that these declines in nature have hit home with you and that you realize that now it is time to do something about it ourselves. You will hear much more about these environmental efforts throughout the year. 

For winter care of birds one of the easiest things to provide is water. Providing shelter is another way to help. There is a shortage of nesting sites for cavity-nesting birds due to land development, and the use of pesticides. The use of birdhouses and nesting boxes has helped many species make a comeback. Landscaping that provides shelter can be a great help. Evergreen trees and shrubs provide a place out of the wind, snow or rain. Birds gather in groups towards the inside and huddle together to create more warmth.

The final piece of the puzzle is providing food. Here in Missouri, winter is a difficult time for the bird species that have chosen to overwinter here. There is little to no vegetation, and most of the insects are dead or dormant. Most songbirds feed on insects and spiders during the spring and summer; however, the non-migratory species switch to fruit and seeds in the fall and winter. Black oil sunflower seeds are preferred by the largest number of bird species. Enjoy the birds this season with these simple tips.

It is also time to think about starting any garden and flower seeds in the house that you may want to grow this year. Our last frost date is around May 1st, so back up the weeks on the calendar for seed starting so you know when the best time for planting in the house would be. Ample light is very important for this task.

Another cold weather job is cleaning up any containers or planters that you have stored away. While doing this, make a list of the flowers that you are going to need for these containers in the spring.

Until next month,    
Sandi Hillermann McDonald