
Tips for the Garden - October 2019

Wow! Fall is the perfect time to evaluate the garden for improvement, and it is the perfect planting time. The cooler crisp days of October are great for these following garden tips:

Lawn seeding should be finished by October 15th to insure germination and growth yet this fall. Choose a seed mix for your lawn area. Fescue blends are spread at a rate of 5-8 lbs. per 1,000 sq ft on bare ground and 3-5 lbs. per 1,000 sq ft on a lawn with a 50% stand of grass.

Be sure to aerate and renovate your yard when over seeding for BEST results. Without these steps, it is like throwing grass seed on to concrete. Have questions??? Ask the experts at your Hillermann’s.

Winterize your lawn mowers before storage, by draining gasoline from the tank and the gas line.  It is also a great time to sharpen the blades so you will be ready for spring.

Put a Winterizer fertilizer on all lawns from mid October through November to promote early spring green growth.  Now is a good time to apply lime if your soils indicate the need. (Acidic soils require lime, a pH of 6.8 or below.) Use the recommended rate of 50 pounds per 500 square feet per treatment.  Free pH testing is available at Hillermann’s.

YOUR HOME’S CURB APPEAL can be enhanced with pumpkins, gourds, corn stalks, mums, pansies, kale, and the great selection of other plants grown for the fall season.

The average first frost October 15th to October 20th. A few degrees of frost protection can be gained by covering tender plants with sheets, newspaper, burlap or lightweight fabric row covers. DO NOT USE PLASTIC; this tends to “draw in” the cold temperatures.

Plant bulbs now for spring bloom. Plant into groupings for a massed effect of spring color. To fertilize them, use bone meal.  Bulb container gardens can be planted with a lasagna type planting arrangement (layering of bulbs in potting soil).

October is an excellent month to plant trees, shrubs and perennials. This gives the plants a great start in the warm soil and cool weather of fall with plenty of moisture in the spring to become established before the harsh summer heat and drought. The plants’ roots will continue to develop under ground until freezing of the soil stops them.

DON’T take hummingbird feeders down before mid October. The bird’s biological clock tells them when to migrate south. THEY ARE NOT dependent on us removing the feeders at a certain time.  Hummingbirds who have started their migration will appreciate finding your feeders along the way.
            Enjoy your yard and garden in every season!

Time to go… See you in the Garden…
Sandi Hillermann McDonald