
Garden Solutions - December 2017

The month of December brings the holiday season and warm thoughts of family, friends and community. I would like to say “Thank You” and wish you and yours a “Blessed Holiday Season” with all the best in the New Year!

Fall will turn into winter this month. It may not always be the most comfortable time to be planting anything in your landscape, but it is a great time for the plants. Trees and shrubs are completely dormant now, so the concept of transplant shock does not apply. 

Trimming or pruning of some of your trees and shrubs can be done now. Resist the urge to cut back everything. Most perennials benefit from adding a layer of mulch or dead leaves. Keep your ornamental grasses up until mid-March.

Plants get “chapped lips” too. Cold, dry winter winds and bright winter sun make our skin chapped and unhealthy. Those winds have a devastatingly similar effect on your plants too. No wonder your evergreens don’t look so great come spring. This drying effect is called desiccation. To fight desiccation, choose the right plants for windy, dry areas. Make sure to water your evergreens well through early December, before the ground freezes. Mulch your plants for winter to retain soil moisture as well as soil temperature. Use an anti-desiccant like Wilt Stop by Bonide. These products coat leaves and needles to slow down the loss of moisture.

Here are a few tips on winter houseplant care. When the heat goes on and the daylight becomes shorter, it may be necessary to move the plants to a different place in the home and to give them different treatment from that given during the summer. Flowering plants need at least half a day of direct sunlight. The ideal temperatures for foliage plants are 68-70 degrees during the day and slightly lower at night. Remember, windowsill locations are much colder during the winter and plants may need to be moved to prevent them from getting chilled. The amount of water the houseplants need declines during winter.  Reduce fertilizing as well.

Some of the plants in your landscape can help you decorate for the Christmas season. Holly and Boxwood can be trimmed now with some of the cuttings used to accent wreaths or live indoor plants. Some of the growth of evergreens such as White Pine and Norway Spruce, can be used to make a harvest wreath or basket for your front door or porch. Talk about recycling! After Christmas, you can take them to your compost bin for future fertilizer! Along with these
Holiday tips, here are a few other ideas for the month:

·                     Use caution when spreading salt or calcium on ice or snow packed walks or driveways. Salt can damage lawns and plantings, calcium is much safer to use. Be sure to designate areas to for piling snow from plowing in advance to prevent damage to trees, shrubs and lawns.

·                     Continue to feed our fine feathered friends and place heated birdbaths with fresh water out for them.

Again, I wish you and your family a very Blessed Christmas season.  Let’s get to work on planning that beautiful garden scene for next year!

See you in the Garden…………..
Sandi Hillermann Mcdonald



Garden Solutions - November 2017

As evenings become cooler and crisper and the daylight gets shorter and shorter, it's a signal that frost is upon us. The change in temperature and season can leave gardeners longing for the warm summer air, instead of prepping for winter. There's still plenty of gardening to be done this time of year. Get the most out of your fall harvest and set your garden up for spring success by jumping on these garden tasks now.

6 Tips for Fall Gardening

Plant Trees
It's no secret that the best time to plant a tree or shrub is in the fall. Before you plant, evaluate the landscape to assess the amount of sunlight, ground vegetation, proximity to permanent structures, and hazards, such as overhead wires or underground pipes. Choose a site where the tree will be able to grow to its mature height. Then, dig a hole twice as wide and the same depth as the root ball. Place the tree in the hole at the same depth it was growing before and fill half the hole with compost. Mix in an organic fertilizer with the soil. Backfill the hole, give it a nice drink of water and watch your tree grow.

Get Bulbs in the Ground
Spring-blooming bulbs can generally be planted any time before the soil begins to freeze. Give bulbs their best shot by planting a few weeks before the ground is frozen to help them establish roots.

Improve the Soil
While fall is for planting, it's also the perfect time for prepping for next season. Healthy soil is the backbone of every successful garden. Test soil now for pH and nutrient levels and amend accordingly. Dig 4" deep with a stainless-steel trowel and either use a DIY soil test or stop in with your soil sample and we will test the pH for you. To adjust the pH level of your soil, use Espoma's Organic Garden Lime to raise the pH of very acidic soil. Poke holes in the soil's surface and scatter on the lime. Rake lightly into the top inch of soil. Or, apply a soil acidifier to lower the pH of extremely alkaline soil.
Create Compost
All of those colorful leaves that are falling make for perfect additions to your compost pile. If you don't have a compost pile already, start one! The best compost contains about 25 times more carbon-rich materials than nitrogen-rich materials. Think of these as brown and green materials. Brown materials include paper, straw or dried leaves. Green materials include garden and food scraps for rich, fertile compost.
Top with Mulch
Add a thick blanket of mulch on garden beds to reduce evaporation and control weeds. Choose organic mulch that will improve the soil as it decomposes. Lay 2 - 3" of mulch around established plants. When mulching trees, the mulch should extend away from the plant to just beyond the drip line covering a bit of the roots Keep 2 - 3" away from the stems of woody plants and 6" away from buildings to avoid pests.

Make the most of this beautiful fall in the garden.
Sandi McDonald



Garden Solutions - October 2017

This month I am going to focus on bulbs, trees and pumpkins!



For those frustrated by gardens already too full, flower bulbs are delectable treats to tuck easily amongst established shrubs and perennials. Spring-flowering bulbs are planted in the fall because most need a period of cold conditioning to activate the biochemical process that induces them to flower. In general they are best planted when soil temperatures have started to cool, and, optimally, at least six weeks before the first hard, ground-freezing frosts.  This translates to anywhere from early October to November and even December in our climate. Whether a garden bed is bursting at the seams or rather bare, there’s always room for bulbs.  And the process is as easy as…….DIG—DROP—DONE!!  ENJOY!!!!

The Many Benefits of Planting Trees

               Most often, we plant trees to provide shade and add beauty to our landscape. These are great benefits, but trees also provide many less obvious benefits. Consider all the benefits listed below and remember fall is the perfect time to plant trees for an increased success rate next spring.

             Trees are perfect for planting as living memorials, to remind us of loved ones, or to commemorate significant events in our lives.

             Even though you may own the trees on your property, your neighborhood may benefit from them as well. Through careful planning, trees can be an asset to your entire community.

             Tree lined streets have a traffic calming effect, traffic moves more slowly and safely.

             Trees can be placed to screen unwanted views or noise from busy highways.

             Trees improve our air quality by filtering harmful dust and pollutants such as ozone, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide from the air we breathe.

             Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe.

             Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding.

             Many species of wildlife depend on trees for habitat. Trees provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals.

             Evergreen trees on the north side of your home and shrubs around the foundation of your home can act as a windbreak to reduce the cooling effects of winter winds.

             The value of a well landscaped home with mature healthy trees can be as much as 10% higher than a similar home with no or little landscaping. (Topping trees will reduce their value.)


Preserving and Firming Up a Pumpkin

                There are ways to help keep your pumpkin fresher and firmer.  Cut open the top of the pumpkin and clean out all the seeds. Fill a washtub, sink or large bucket with cold water, and soak the pumpkin in the cold water. If you have fine detail work to do, you may want to let your pumpkin soak overnight. This will firm up the pumpkin flesh and allow you to do carving that is more intricate. You can add a small amount of unscented Clorox bleach in the water to prevent premature mold and bacteria growth.

                Once you have carved your pumpkin, you can add a thin amount of petroleum jelly on the exposed cut edges. This will help seal moisture in the flesh of the pumpkin. If the pumpkin dries out, it will shrivel. You can try to revive it by soaking it in a bath of cold water for one to eight hours. Longer is better. Overnight will not hurt.

                You can prepare your pumpkins ahead of time and keep them fresh for a future party or gathering. Soak them first. Wrap them in plastic wrap to hold in the moisture and store them in the refrigerator (not the freezer). They will stay fresh this way for a very long time.

                Once you remove a wet pumpkin for display, you should immediately dry it off. This prevents mold from having a chance to grow.

Now, enjoy all that the month of October has to offer and I will…
See you in the garden.

Sandi Hillermann McDonald



Garden Solutions - September 2017

The Best Time of Year is NOW!!!

            When I was a kid, I loved summer---no school, warm sunshine and lots of fun and mischief to get into.  Now that I’m a Grandma, my thoughts on the seasons has also matured.  Over the years, I have come to enjoy all the offerings of fall.  The cool, crisp mornings that gives way to warm days and starry nights.  Fall color in Missouri is exceptional with the turning of leaves on trees-colors so vivid and alive that they jump out of the landscape.  Driving past fields of pumpkins gets the kids excited that Halloween candy is yet to come.  The treat of eating sweet grapes fresh off the vine and juicy apples plucked from the trees comes to mind.  And of course, fall sports begin.
            There is no better time of year than this abundant season to catch your bearings, reevaluate the year, enjoy the harvest and relax.  It is also the best time to take a few moments to invest in your home.  There are many simple tasks you can do now to help save yourself time in spring when you are twice as busy.
            PLANT, PLANT, PLANT! Fall in Missouri is the ideal time of year to plant all kinds of things from cool-season vegetables to turf grasses, and especially shrubs, evergreens and deciduous trees.  Yet, when it comes to planting, many gardeners only think of the spring.  Why is fall such an ideal time to plant?  First, the warm soil in the fall helps encourage root growth.  The plants roots continue to grow through our mild winters, and become well established by the spring.  This makes fall plantings much better equipped to handle the heat and drought once summer finally arrives.  In addition, our fall and spring rains help do all the work in establishing your plants so you don’t have too.  There are also fewer pests and disease problems to attack your plant while it is young.
            When fall arrives, I want to see bright oranges, vibrant yellows, and fiery reds.  These fall colors bring life back to our landscapes after the summer sun has faded most of the blooms.  The natural turning of leaves into their disguised color of glory brings a new energy to our yards and awakens our senses.  Right now, you can find selections of trees and shrubs especially bred for fall color.  There is no reason to have hum-drum containers during fall when there are Garden Mums and Fall/Winter Pansies to replace our burnt out summer annuals.  Fall cool floral crops are also great additions to beautiful fall containers.  Adding perennials also brings new life to containers.
            Home decorating is great fun also to add pumpkins, corn stalks, gourds and other harvest items to the landscape or porch décor.
            In addition, don’t forget fall bulbs.  Now you will find the best selection, and you have until Christmas to get them into the ground for spring blooming.  Bulbs need 10 weeks of cold weather to create their magnificent spring show.  Many varieties and colors are popping up in this category of plants as well. 
            THE POST SEASON WRAP UP.  One of the best-kept secrets to the most lavish landscapes is autumn restoration.  Just a few garden chores done in the fall will lead to spring and summer pay-offs that are well worth the work.  Things to do now include:
            Pull Weeds:  Clean up your yard by pulling weeds.  Then apply a pre-emergent such as Preen containing Trifluran.  This will keep your yard looking nice and weed free for months to come.
            Fertilize:  It is important to fertilize your evergreens and conifers at this time because their root systems continue to grow throughout the late fall and even into the winter till ground frost appears.  An application of Osmocote or plants spikes is ideal for this task.  The plants take up these nutrients and are ready to explode when the spring growing season arrives.
            Prepare Your Lawn:  Were you disappointed in your lawn this year?  Well, now is the time to prepare your lawn for next spring!  Aerate and thatch it if the soil is compacted.  This will allow the soil to drain better and give it much needed oxygen to the roots.  Seeding can be done as well as fertilizing.  Seeding in early fall will give the roots plenty of time to become established before winter.  Fertilize with a winter type fertilizer to build nutrients up in the root system.  This will keep your lawn from going into the winter hungry and it will help it take off much faster next spring.

Enjoy the cool crisp air and I’ll….see you in the Garden
Sandi Hillermann McDonald





Garden Solutions - August 2017

August… besides vacations, other activities that will pull you away from your list of gardening duties are fairs, festivals, family outings, and back to school preparations. It really is a good thing that August is a slow month for working in your landscape.

Here are a few health benefits of enjoying the outdoors. Studies show that depending on the activity, gardening can burn between 250 and 500 calories per hour. For many people gardening is a creative outlet, for others it’s the change of scenery from the daily grind that makes a difference. Still others find that the satisfaction of reaping the rewards (those tasty fruits and vegetables, and beautiful flowers) of your efforts is what helps to reduce stress levels.

Your main tasks for this month both begin with the letter W. Weeding and watering. It is important to stay on top of the weeds. If you let them get ahead of you and they go to seed, you are going to have hundreds more to deal with this fall and next spring. Spraying weeds with an herbicide such as Roundup is one of the easiest ways to rid of weeds.  Be very careful when spraying around the plants that you want to grow in your landscape. It generally is best to pull weeds that are growing in and immediately around your desirable plants, and spray those that are “in the open”. As far as watering goes, most plants will survive on 1” of water a week. A rain gauge will help measure the amount.

Mowing the lawn is another task that continues in August. Due to the usually hot and dry conditions that are the norm in August, you may be able to space your mowing times further apart. That is unless you have an irrigation system to keep your lawn growing vigorously.

If you are thinking about a new addition to your landscape this fall, now is the time to talk to your favorite landscape designer. Your designer can discuss your needs with you, design the changes or new additions, and get you on the schedule for a fall installation.

If you tried your hand at seasonal vegetable or square foot gardening this spring, here are a few ways you can enjoy a fall garden. Carry tomatoes, peppers and basil plants over in your fall garden. Direct sow beets, radishes, turnips, leafy greens and spinach now where other spring crops such as broccoli and cauliflower have come and gone for this year.  Replant nursery starts of broccoli and cauliflower. 

Last but not least, take care of yourself. During the hot time that is referred to as August, it is easy to over exert yourself. Drink plenty of fluids and rest in the shade as needed.

See you next month……….in the garden
Sandi Hillermann McDonald


Garden Solutions - June 2017

            I, for one, cannot believe it is the first of June already. This year is really flying by. This is the month for picnics, vacations, family reunions, and for just enjoying the outdoors in general. One of the tasks to take care of this month is weeding. If you put a pre-emergent weed control product in your landscape beds in March or April, you are due for a second application now. There are two reasons for this. First, most of the pre-emergent products that are available to the homeowner have a short life span, up to 60 days. The second reason is due to all of the rain we have had. However, there are many benefits to the very adequate rainfalls this year. One of them is the ease with which some normally difficult weeds can be pulled. So take time to clean up your landscape beds and apply a pre-emergent as soon as possible.

            The long hot days of summer are stressful to every living creature, including all your plants. If you are tired of the endless task of keeping your plants watered, it is time to think about adding mulch to your beds.

            I know that hotter weather is just ahead, so do yourself and your plantings a huge favor and apply mulch. If you have beds that have never been mulched, add 3” around all annuals, perennials, roses, trees and shrubs. Top dress previously mulched beds with an additional inch of fresh mulch. 

            Not only does mulch hold in moisture, relieving you of some of your watering tasks, it also keeps the soil cooler, so your plants will be less heat-stressed. An added bonus is that weed seeds have a difficult time germinating when buried in mulch, reducing the time you spend weeding. 

            One of the most common questions that we receive at this time of year is, “How much do I water my ______?” I will try to explain some basic guidelines here:

            Vegetables and Bedding Plants planted in the ground: established plants need at least one inch of water per week, more when bearing fruit. Check the soil around the plants, when it is dry one inch down, it’s time to water.

            Container Gardens and Hanging Baskets: check your containers every day for water. Either test the soil by touch or lift the pot to check its weight. Most baskets and many containers will need to be watered once, or even twice a day, depending on the weather. I suggest you fertilize once a week.

            Perennials: newly planted perennials need daily watering until established, at least one to two weeks, depending on weather. After they show signs of new growth, apply a one inch per week rule.

            Trees and Shrubs: newly planted trees and shrubs should be watered every 4-5 days for the entire first year after planting, unless rainfall is abundant. Place the end of your hose next to the base of the plant and let the water trickle very slowly for about two hours. This will allow the root zone to become thoroughly saturated.

            Established Lawns: your lawn should be watered when the grass blades don’t bounce back after being walked on. One inch of water per week should keep your lawn green and healthy. It is best to water early in the morning, before the heat of the day. This keeps evaporation to a minimum, and allows plenty of time for the grass to dry before nightfall, which will help prevent fungus problems.

            Newly Seeded or Sodded Lawns: for better germination, I suggest you mulch grass seed with straw as soon as it is planted. Once seed has germinated or sod has been laid, they must not be allowed to dry out. Water daily with a sprinkler until there is good growth. Early morning is again the best time. Once established, go back to the one inch per week rule.

            Water Gardens: also require an occasional addition of water. Check your pond weekly and add water as needed. Water plants have variable depth requirements, so you need to keep the water levels consistent.

            So continue to enjoy your outdoor spaces and make relationships with your plants! They can give you so much in return!


See you in the Garden,

Sandi Hillermann McDonald


Garden Solutions - May 2017

            This month’s article is a type of warning article…….I attended a webinar recently on the mosquito (Aedes aegypti) which is the type of mosquito that carries the Zika virus.  St Louis for some reason has been considered a hot spot for this carrier this summer.  Below are a few quick points of interest to make you aware of how to stay safe this summer.

            The Zika mosquito is a CONTAINER breeder, meaning that it is not found in ponds or streams, but instead in gutters, birdbaths, old tires, holes in trees, septic tanks or anything holding still water.  They fly only about ¼ of a mile from egg source, where other mosquitoes can travel up to 2-2 ½ miles.  This is a great way to keep them under control.  THESE MOSQUITOES ARE DAYTIME BITERS, where other mosquitoes attack at early morning or evening.  This is a great indicator.  They fly during mid day in bright sunlight and low humidity.  If you get bitten in the evening, rest assured that it is not the Zika carrying mosquito causing you problems.

            Permethrin (sold in our retail store as EIGHT) and Malathion are two great pesticides that work on spraying foundation plantings and trees up to about 10’ off the ground.  This is where the adult mosquitoes harbor.  If you are concerned, a foliage spray would be a great preventative.   Mosquito Dunks are an Organic larvicide (containing bacillus thuringensis) and are SAFE for pets, wildlife and humans.  We sell A LOT of this in our retail store.  This is a granular or round dunks that can be put into gutters and any container that holds water, especially animal water bowls, birdbaths, septic tanks and the like.

            Breeding sites for mosquitoes that are found need to be dumped and scrubbed to remove any eggs.  The eggs cling to the sides of containers at the water lever NOT in the water itself.  The eggs are thin and black and resemble the nyjer seed that is often fed to finches.  They line up very close to each other at the water level, but always ON the container itself.

            Zika can be a big problem this season as there are more than several states that have seen cases…………….. For more information check out this website: http://www.cdc.gov/zika/fs-posters

See You in the Garden,
Sandi Hillermann McDonald


Garden Solutions - April 2017

April is the “opener” of spring. Grass greens up, trees leaf out, shrubs begin to bloom, perennials come back, and the birds continue to sing. This is truly my favorite time of year, the time of rebirth! The seasons move so fast, this is one that you really need to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n and enjoy every day.

Now pay attention to the birds singing early in the mornings and their increased activity, which leads way to courting, nesting, and soon to be, new fledglings. Therefore, I encourage you to continue feeding our feathered friends during this important time and enjoy the antics that lie ahead. I would also like to remind you that these little birds do eat many insects, which is a great benefit for your yard and garden. You should already have your purple martin houses up and filled, and now it is time to hang up the hummingbird feeders. You can make your own nectar using four parts water to 1 part sugar (1/4 cup sugar to 1 cup water). You can start with slightly more sugar in the mix to attract the hummingbirds, and then go back to the 4 to 1 mixture once the hummingbirds are frequenting your feeders. Boil together the mixture to dissolve the sugar, fill your feeders and enjoy. Change out the liquid frequently as hummingbirds are very fragile and our summer heat can quickly ferment the sugar mixture. Clean the feeder in between each filling.

            One of the bigger movements continuing across the country this year is “Protecting the Pollinators.” Last year a huge push to “Save the Monarch Butterfly” was seen everywhere. A few years ago, the Honey Bee had been known as declining. Well, the decline of these most important Pollinators is still a strong concern. Therefore, we need to make ourselves aware of the push to save ALL pollinators. We can help with this push by being aware of your surroundings and eliminating the use of synthetic insecticide products, especially on blooming plants that are visited by pollinators. It you have an insect issue, talk to a representative at your local garden center about methods of controlling pests without harming pollinators. Our food supply depends on it.   

            There is so much to talk about in April, I have made a short list of some of the more common, timely items that will need attention or guide you as we begin this most wonderful season of Spring!

·         When Crabapples are in bloom, hardy annuals can be planted.

·         Liquid weed control should be applied this month to control dandelions, henbit and other broadleaf weeds. New grass from seed MUST be mowed 3 times to make it strong enough to withstand weed chemicals.

·         Prune spring flowering shrubs after they finish blooming.

·         Start cucumber, squash, cantaloupe and watermelon seeds indoors this month.

·         Termites begin swarming. Termites can be distinguished from ants by their thick waists and straight antennae.

·         Mole young are born in chambers deep underground.

·         The last week of April is a good time to try an early sowing of warm season crops such as green beans, sweet corn, etc. Transplants of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and sweet potatoes can also start being planted outdoors.

·         Container gardening is good choice for flower and vegetable gardening if space is in short supply. It can be done by anyone, anywhere, check it out!!

·         “Natural Gardening” is here to stay………..keep your family safe and check out what organic/natural options are available to you when gardening this year. There are many.


Well, time is running short…see you in the garden

Sandi Hillermann McDonald


Garden Solutions - March 2017

Spring is almost here!!! What a wonderful feeling to be able to spend more time outside enjoying what Mother Nature is unfolding before our eyes. The lengthening of days is a welcome site. We “spring forward” with Daylight Savings Time on Sunday, March 12 this year. That in itself is exciting.

Once flowerbeds have been cleaned up, re-mulching can be done. Top dress or dry feed beds with a granular fertilizer, such as Osmocote, and apply a pre-emergent if you do not plan to plant any flower seeds. Divide summer and fall blooming perennials now, along with ornamental grasses if you so desire.

Plant/sow peas, lettuce, radish, kohlrabi, collards, turnips, potatoes, spinach, onion sets, beets, carrots, and parsley outside this month. Set out broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower and pansy transplants now. This month is also great for setting out strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, grapes and fruit trees.

Start seeds indoors this month for tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. And houseplants can still be repotted. Continue to check houseplants for over wintering insect populations.
Nesting boxes for bluebirds can be set up as well as Purple Martin houses. Purple Martins return to our zone 6 region between St. Pat’s Day and the end of the month. So, now is the time to clean out those houses and be prepared.      

And I mentioned last year there was a big push for saving Monarch butterflies and other pollinating insects. Well these endeavors will be even more prevalent this year as education for this important movement continues.

Lucky for monarchs, there are ways you can help. Gardening for wildlife is a great way to help provide food, water, shelter and place to raise young for all types of wildlife.

For monarchs, you can plant native flowering plants, especially milkweed, to help feed the larvae of these beautiful butterflies! This year also get involved in the www.millionpollinatorgardenchallenge.org. This is a national push for pollinator gardening involvement. Beekeeping is another way to bring pollination home. 

The City of Washington, Washington in Bloom, FC Master Gardeners and the Washington Garden Club will be pushing efforts to not only make awareness for Monarchs BUT ALL pollinators in this year’s programs. Stay tuned to see what they have in store! 



Garden Solutions - February 2017

February is National Bird Feeding Month

Now that we are in the throws of winter, and the coldest month of the year is upon us, it is a good time to assess how the birds are doing.  This time of year is especially difficult for them.  If given a little assistance, their chances of survival are greatly increased.

One of the easiest things to provide, and high on the list of needs, is water.  Adding a heater or deicer coil to an existing birdbath can provide the perfect winter oasis for your feathered friends.  Just be sure to keep the birdbath clean. 

Providing shelter is another way to help.  There is a shortage of nesting sites for cavity-nesting birds due to land development, and the use of pesticides. The use of birdhouses and nesting boxes has helped many species make a comeback.  Landscaping that provides shelter can also be a great help.  Evergreen trees and shrubs provide a welcome resting place out of the wind, snow or rain.  Birds gather in groups towards the inside and huddle together to create more warmth.  Placing food and water near these nesting or respite areas allows them to make shorter journeys for these things.  More than 50 species of birds will use birdhouses including Chickadees, Bluebirds, Titmice, Woodpeckers, Wrens, Swallows and Nuthatches.

One of the requirements for a good bird house is that it must to be able to open up for cleaning.  They must have ventilation holes in the bottom (these should be plugged up for winter roosting).  The houses should have a slanted roof to allow for water runoff, and it should NOT have perches.  Cavity-nesting birds do not need them, and the perches only allow predator access to the nest.

he final piece of the puzzle is providing food.  Particularly here in Missouri, winter is a difficult time for the bird species that have chosen to overwinter here.  The days are short and cold.  There is little to no vegetation, and most of the insects are dead or dormant.  Now is an excellent time to purchase a feeder if you do not already have one.  Most songbirds feed on insects and spiders during the spring and summer; however, the non-migratory species switch to fruit and seeds in the fall and winter.  Black oil sunflower seeds are preferred by the largest number of bird species.  Not only are these seeds very nutritious and high in fat, but their small size makes them easier for smaller species to split them open.  Be sure to scatter some seed on the ground and beneath trees and shrubs for birds that prefer to feed in these locations.  Feeders with platforms provide the right type of feeding station for species that do not perch, such as Cardinals.  High-energy food, like suet and peanut butter, are an added benefit for all birds and provide much needed fat.  So I hope now you enjoy the antics of our feathered friends.

Having fun in the garden,    

Sandi Hillermann McDonald


Garden Solutions - January 2017


       The world of birding is full of myths. Some have been handed down for generations, while others have cropped up more recently.  Here are a few of the common myths.  Hopefully, I can help dismiss these myths once and for all. 

MYTH #1:  Birds will freeze to death when temperatures get well below zero.

FACT:  Birds are well equipped to survive the coldest of temperatures.  They store fat during the short days of winter to keep themselves warm during the long nights.  During those freezing nights, they fluff their feathers to trap heat and slow their metabolism to conserve energy.  They also look for good places to roost, whether it’s a birdhouse, natural tree cavity, grass thicket, evergreen or shrub.

MYTH #2:  American robins always fly south for winter.

FACT:  If there is sufficient food on their breeding grounds, American robins, bluebirds, and a host of finches and owls remain in the area where they spent the summer.

MYTH #3:  You should take birdhouses down in winter because birds don’t use them.

FACT:  On the contrary—a birdhouse makes a great roosting house in winter.  Eastern bluebirds will pile into houses to spend cold nights.  One photographer once even snapped a picture of 13 male bluebirds in a single house.

MYTH #4:  If you leave town during winter, the birds that rely on the food from your feeders will die.

FACT:  Research has proven this one wrong.  Scientists have shown that chickadees, for example, will eat only 25% of their daily winter food from feeders.  They find the other 75% in the wild.

MYTH #5:  Birds always migrate in flocks.

FACT:  Though many birds migrate in flocks—common nighthawks, American robins, swallows and European starlings, for example—other species migrate alone.

MYTH #6 Birds’ feet will stick to metal bird feeders and suet cages.

FACT:  Most suet cages have a laminated covering, so you don’t have to worry about birds’ feet sticking to it.  But in general, their feet can endure cold weather.  Birds have a protective scale like covering on the feet, and special veins and arteries that keep their feet warm.

MYTH #7:  Peanut butter will get stuck in birds’ throats, and they will die.

FACT:  Peanut butter is a very nourishing food for birds, especially in winter when the production of fat is important to their survival.  The myth that it will stick to their throats simply isn’t true.

MYTH #8:  Woodpeckers drill on house siding in winter for food or to create nesting cavities.

FACT:  Though there are cases where woodpeckers find food in wood siding (and may even nest inside the boards), nearly all the drilling in late winter is done to make a noise to court mates.  This is their way of singing a song to declare territory.

MYTH #9:  If you have warm water in a birdbath when the temperatures is below freezing, birds will bathe in it and freeze to death from wet feathers.

FACT:  Birds will drink from a heated birdbath, but if the temperature is below freezing, they will not bathe in it and get their feathers wet. 


See you next time,

Sandi Hillermann McDonald