
Tips for the Garden - June 2021

            Although I’ve never been accused of being short on words, there is often this blank in my mind about where to start the article. This month I will begin with a reminder that June is National Perennial Gardening Month. Perennials make perfect additions to gardens (as well as native plants) for pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and birds!


Here are 10 quick tips to Fabulous Perennials:

1.            Begin by preparing the soil.

2.            Choose plants carefully, sun vs. shade, etc.

3.            Purchase plants that can establish in one season.

4.            Space perennials to give them room to grow.

5.            Fertilize

6.            Mulch

7.            Control weeds

8.            Control insects

9.            Additionally, clean up the beds each season.  Enjoy!!


            Well, June is also the month of graduations, weddings, vacations, Father’s Day, and the beginning of summer. This is the month that we all begin to spend more of our free time out of doors, enjoying our gardens and the fruits of our labor from the last 3 months. If all of you have kept up with your tasks, then this month should be easy.


Here are garden tips for June:


·                     Watch for the outbreak of bagworms on garden plants, especially junipers.

·                     Deadhead bulbs and spring perennials as blossoms fade.

·                     Repeat plantings of corn and beans to extend the harvest season.

·                     Spray roses with a fungicide to prevent black spot disease and fertilize monthly.

·                     Continue enjoying the antics of the wildlife in your yard and gardens by continuing to supply food and water sources for them.

·                     Change hummingbird nectar at least weekly to prevent fungus from growing. You can make your own nectar using 1 part sugar to 4 parts water---no food coloring please!

·                     Move houseplants outside for the summer. Place plants in areas with dappled shade and some protection from hot summer winds.

·                     Orioles (if you were lucky enough to keep them around) begin building a gray woven nest; this takes about a week.

·                     Watch for birds carrying food to their young.


Are you late getting planting started in your garden this year? YOU ARE NOT ALONE! As busy as we were this May, and as wet as the weather was, many people have commented that they haven’t even begun their planting. That’s okay—you still have plenty of time. Plant selections should still be pretty strong. Fully enjoy your garden; it is the only true place to connect you to Mother Nature.


See you in the Garden…

Sandi Hillermann McDonald




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