
Garden Solutions - April 2019

     April is the “opener” of spring. Grass greens up, trees leaf out, shrubs begin to bloom, perennials come back, and the birds sing. This is truly my favorite time of year. The seasons move so fast, this is one that you need to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n and enjoy every day.
One of the movements across the country remains “Protecting the Pollinators”. The decline of most pollinators is still a strong concern. We need to make ourselves aware to save ALL pollinators. We can help with this by being aware of our surroundings and eliminating the use of insecticide products. If you have an insect issue, talk to us about methods of controlling pests without harming pollinators. Our food supply depends on it.

I have made a short list of some of the common, timely items that need attention as we begin this season of Spring!

- When Crabapples are in bloom, hardy annuals can be planted.
- Transplant trees, shrubs and perennials early in the month for best success.
- Spots and bare patches in the lawn can still be over seeded if you did not apply a Crabgrass
Preventer. During spring there are more issues to be aware of when seeding a lawn rather than in the fall.
- Liquid weed control should be applied this month to control dandelions, other broadleaf weeds.
New grass from seed MUST have grown enough to be mowed 3 times to make it strong enough to withstand weed chemicals.
- Start cucumber, squash, cantaloupe and watermelon seeds indoors this month.
- Termites begin swarming. Termites can be distinguished from ants by their thick waists and straight antennae. Ants have slender waists and elbowed antennae.
- Mole young are born in chambers deep underground.
- Hang out hummingbird feeders the first of this month. Use a solution of 1 part sugar to 4 parts water. Change the solution frequently to keep it from fermenting.
- The last week of April is a good time to try an early sowing of warm season crops such as green
beans, sweet corn, etc. Transplants of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and sweet potatoes can also start being planted outdoors.
- Container gardening is good choice for flower and vegetable gardening if space is in short supply. It can be done by anyone, anywhere, check it out!!
- “Natural Gardening” is here to stay………..keep your family safe and check out what organic/natural options are available to you when gardening this year. There are many.

Well, time is running short…see you in the garden
Sandi Hillermann McDonald

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