Now that we are in the throws of winter, and the coldest month of the year is upon us, it is a good time to assess how the birds are doing. This time of year is especially difficult for them. If given a little assistance, their chances of survival are greatly increased.
One of the easiest things to provide, and high on the list of needs, is water. Adding a heater or deicer coil to an existing birdbath, or purchasing a birdbath with the heater built in, can provide the perfect winter oasis for your feathered friends. Just be sure to keep the birdbath clean. Frequent cleaning with a mild bleach and scrub brush and thorough rinsing prior to refilling will ensure a healthy water source.

Requirements for a good bird house are: It must be able to open up for cleaning. Must have ventilation holes in the bottom (these should be plugged up for winter roosting). The houses should have a slanted roof to allow for water runoff, and it should NOT have perches. Cavity-nesting birds do not need them and the perches only allow predator access to the nest.
Placing the birdhouse on a pole will help discourage predators, however, certain species like Chickadees and Woodpeckers, prefer nesting in trees thus attaching the house directly to a tree is what works best for them. The house should face south or southwest so it is facing away from the direction most storms approach. Be sure you have provided a clear flight path to the entrance but approximately 10 feet away from other trees or structures. It should get direct sun for a good part of the day. At the end of the fall, be sure to clean out the old nesting material. Another source of shelter can be provided by your used Christmas tree, particularly if you have few or no other evergreens. Next year, once the holidays are over, take your tree outside and set it up near your house, feeder or winterized birdbath.
The final piece of the puzzle is providing food. Particularly here in Missouri, winter is a difficult time for the bird species that have chosen to overwinter here. The days are short and cold. There is little to no vegetation, and most of the insects are dead or dormant. Now is an excellent time to purchase a feeder if you do not already have one. Most songbirds feed on insects and spiders during the spring and summer, however, the non-migratory species switch to fruit and seeds in the fall and winter. Black oil sunflower seeds are preferred by the largest number of bird species. Not only are these seeds very nutritious and high in fat, but their small size makes them easier for smaller species to split them open. Be sure to scatter some seed on the ground and beneath trees and shrubs for birds that prefer to feed in these locations. Feeders with platforms provide the right type of feeding station for species that do not perch, such as Cardinals. High-energy food, like suet and peanut butter, are an added benefit for all birds and provide much needed fat. So I hope now you enjoy the antics of our feathered friends.
Until next month,
Sandi Hillermann McDonald
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